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Here is a few examples of the projects I worked on. Some of them are for classes and some of them are personal project. If you are interested in learning more about them please contact me via the contact section.

Virtual Hospital

Advanced Object Oriented Programming

Virtual Hospital was my final project for my Advanced Object Oriented Programming Class. This virtual hospital had a director, physicians, staff members, volunteers and patients. Each of these people had roles, responsibilities and were capable of different actions. The concepts used for this project included object-oriented encapsulation, abstraction, information hiding, ... etc. This project had more than 2500 lines of code and more than 110 test cases and I proudly got an A+ for it.

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GUI Java 

This is a fully functional calculator project programmed in Java using GUI class. This project is for Advanced Coding workshop for first year engineering students at Lassonde School of Engineering. This project used different GUI concepts such as frames, labels, panels, buttons and etc. This workshop is currently running for Lassonde Students and have more than 20 participants and great feedback. 

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Programmable Arduino Board

Computer Organization

The programmable Arduino board was my final project for computer organization class. I always had a great passion for teaching and I decided to make a module for high school students who were interested in learning more about computer organization. The module started by explaining the concept of computer organization and then helped the student make this board and program it to blink as they wanted. 


Factory Inventory System


The factory inventory project is a bash project that I did for my embedded systems class. the system was accepting different user commands and acted based on the input. The inventory had different units and each unit had a capacity limit. If the storage was already filled up the user would have been notified else the product was stored in the inventory and user would have a reference number. The program used different features such as reading a file, writing in a file, reading user inputs.

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Processing WorkShop 


Processing workshop is one of the most popular workshop for first year Lassonde students. when I was designing this workshop my goal was to teach basic concepts of coding to first year students. Using processing app the students were able to visualize the code they wrote and some important concepts like data types, if statement, for and nested loops were covered. This workshop has more than 30 participant each time and has great feedback. 

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